New Delhi, March 21, 2022: The Pegasus controversy is causing a stir in the Andhra Pradesh after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s remarks that Chandrababu bought the spyware during the TDP regime. Recently the matter reached the AP Assembly and was debated in the House on Monday. Minister Buggana Rajendranath Reddy said that spyware like Pegasus would infringe on personal freedom. He recalled that CM Mamata had said that Chandrababu had bought Pegasus software as it was not accidental but unethical.
The minister said Chandrababu’s action was a violation of human rights. It is a crime to buy Pegasus. He said that Chandrababu used Pegasus on politicians and needs to be investigated. Minister Buggana called for an inquiry into Pegasus with the House committee. After that Jagan government took a crucial decision unanimously approved the appointment of a House Committee on Pegasus. AP Assembly Speaker Tammineni Sitaram announced that a House committee was being set up on Pegasus. He said the House committee would inquire into the matter and the committee members would be announced tomorrow (Tuesday) according to the reports published in
The Pegasus spyware controversy has been going on in Andhra Pradesh politics for a few days. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s remarks on Chandrababu have stirred up controversy. Debate is raging in state political circles over the purchase of Pegasus spyware during the TDP government. Nara Lokesh has already given clarity on the issue and denied the allegations.