Visakhapatnam, February 27, 2024 : Just a day after inauguration, the reported snapping of the floating sea bridge that went viral on social media created a flutter on Monday. The new tourist attraction was thrown open to the public by MP YV Subba Reddy, IT Minister Gudivada Amarnath and Visakhapatnam Collector A Mallikarjuna on Sunday amidst much fanfare.
However, the VMRDA commissioner and District Collector A Mallikarjuna denied the reports and said that the bridge operating staff separated the T Point (view point) from the bridge and anchored at a distance to undertake further inspection to ascertain its efficacy. “Even though it was decided to allow the general public from Monday, in view of high tides, the visitors were not allowed on Monday. Miscreants with vested interests took pictures of the gap between the bridge and view point and spread false news stating that the floating bridge got snapped and washed away,” the Collector informed.
He further mentioned that such mock drills and technical exercises will be conducted and the T point will be separated whenever there are high tides in the sea to take stock of bridge strength and other technical snags if any. According to the reports published in .
Officials will conduct three more mock drill before allowing the public, the Collector clarified.