Vijayawada, June 26, 2021: After Supreme Court on Thursday questioned the Andhra Pradesh government over its decision to hold the Class 12 exams, AP Education Minister Adimulapu Suresh, in the evening, announced that AP Inter Exams 2021 and Class 10 examinations stand cancelled. The top court today issued orders to complete the entire process of examinations including the declaration of results by 31 July 2021. Authorities from the Board Of Intermediate Education AP (BIEAP) explained to the government that they cannot conduct the examinations in the stipulated time frame suggested by the Supreme Court.
What Education Minister Adimulapu Suresh said:
“We are keen on conducting exams as second-year Intermediate marks play a key role in the future of students. We have submitted an affidavit to the center explaining the safety measures taken while conducting the examinations. But the Supreme Court gave orders to complete the entire process of examinations and declare results by 31 July 2021. We are not in a position to conduct exams in the shortest possible time,” education minister Audimulapu Suresh said.
Here are some of the key takeaways from Adimulapu Suresh’s briefing:
- The Andhra Pradesh state government has decided to cancel AP Class 10 and Inter Exams 2021: Adimulapu Suresh
- There has been no decision error from the government: Adimulapu Suresh
- It was impossible to conduct the exams within the deadline given by the Supreme Court: Adimulapu Suresh
- A committee is being set up for the evaluation of the results: Adimulapu Suresh
- The Supreme Court has said that the Inter results should be released by July 31. The Inter-exam management takes 45 days for evaluation. Hence, It is impossible to conduct examinations as per the decision of the Supreme Court-Minister Suresh.
Earlier today, the Supreme Court warned the state government saying, “Even one fatality, we may order compensation amounting to one crore”. “When other boards had cancelled why Andhra Pradesh wants to show it is different,” the top court added.
The counsel representing the Andhra Pradesh government said that around 5.20 lakh students will be appearing for the 12th exam and all Covid protocols will be followed during the exam. The top court had directed the state to inform the bench how around 34,000 rooms will be provided for 5.20 lakh students appearing in the examination according to the reports published in
“One issue in your affidavit, you said 15 to 18 students will be there in one room….You require 34,634 rooms. Where will you get so many rooms? Are you going to have exams [in the] open?” the two judge-bench of Justices AM Khanwilkar and Dinesh Maheshwari hearing the case asked the AP government.