Andhra restaurants allowed to operate from 5 am to midnight


Vijayawada. June 14, 2022: Hotels and restaurants in Andhra Pradesh can be open from 5 am until midnight, the state government said on Monday, June 13, issuing a government order. Prior to this, timings had been curtailed to 10 pm due to COVID-19 restrictions. This relaxation does not include bars. “However, shops and establishments are requested to ensure COVID appropriate behavior such as wearing masks and hand sanitation by all persons working and visiting such establishments,” the GO said. These restrictions are under the Andhra Pradesh Shops and Establishments Act as COVID-19 restrictions were not extended after March 14.

As per the GO, the business hours of hotels, restaurants and eateries have been extended on the request of the Andhra Pradesh Hotels Association. The GO added that instructions had been issued to employers to prevent and contain the spread of the virus, and it was at that time that restaurants were told to shut by 10 pm. COVID restrictions were in place till March 14, 2022, and could be appropriately discontinued as states saw fit.

“Keeping in view the clarification of the Government of India, the HM&FW Department is clarified that there are no restrictions regarding timings for establishments and hence to take necessary action regarding extension of timing for restaurants, and also specifically informed that as the Covid restrictions are not extended beyond 14.03.2022, the rules in force by the respective Departments will come into force automatically,” it said.

As per the GO, hoteliers made representations to the Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation and told them that there is increased pressure on hotels from enforcement authorities and police to shutter restaurants at 10 pm, and that this leads to higher operational expenses as well according to the reports published in

“Further, the Covid-19 pandemic situation has stabilized which has enhanced the growth of Domestic and International tourist foot fall to the State of AP as this will facilitate more revenue generation,” the GO said.