Vijayawada, July 07, 2021: Andhra Pradesh BJP MP TG Venkatesh alleged that Telangana Chief Minister KCR and the ministers were talking all non-sense on daily basis. He said the water controversy was brought to the fore only in the wake of the Huzurabad by-election. He questioned the Telangana leaders who said that the Srisailam project is just for power generation that why it has been used for irrigation purposes for so many days.
He recalled that the two states had signed the agreement in 2015 with the approval of KCR. He clarified that water could not be taken from Pothireddypadu to Rayalaseema unless it was stored at 845 feet in the project. He urged all AP leaders to work together on the issue of state waters. He said a decision on Rayalaseema waters would be taken in two to three days according to the reports published in
TG Venkatesh said that Rayalaseema and Andhra leaders need not fear KCR and reminded that Telangana votes are not in AP unless AP votes are in Telangana. TG Venkatesh made key remarks that it is customary for KCR to talk in support of Andhra people if elections are in Hyderabad and against the Andhra people when the election in Karimnagar.
It is known that the two states have been attacking verbally over the Krishna river water sharing. While the Telangana government is objecting to the Rayalaseema lift irrigation scheme, the Andhra Pradesh government is against the power generation at the Srisailam project. However, the issue has gone into the center’s hands and is likely to take a crucial decision on the issue.