Kurnool, March 24, 2022: The police personnel of Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB) have seized unaccounted cash Rs.1.25 crore during a vehicle checking at Panchalingala border check post on Thursday early morning. According to the Circle Inspector, M Manjula the staff engaged at the border check post were strictly ordered to thoroughly check the vehicles entering into Andhra Pradesh from the adjacent Telangana state.
Following the instructions the Sub Inspector GV Ramudu and other staff checked a private travel bus that was heading to Rajyampet from Hyderabad at the border check post.
While checking the luggage of the passengers the staff detected huge cash in the bag of one Antarvedi Uday Kumar a resident of Rajahmundry. On questioning Uday Kumar said he is taking the cash to handover to a railway contractor at Rajyampet, said the officer.
When asked to show document proof, Uday Kumar failed to produce. Carrying such huge cash without valid documents is illegal and against the law. As the person failed to give valid reasons the amount was seized and handed over to Taluka police station for enquiring and initiating further action after filing a case under relevant sections, stated M Manjula according to the reports published in thehansindia.com.