Railway Claims Tribunal adalat in Andhra from December 4 to 7


Vijayawada, November 30,  2023 :  In order to provide speedy justice and ensure prompt disposal of pending registered cases due to untoward incidents and accidents in its jurisdiction, the Railway Claims Tribunal (RCT), Amaravati Bench, Guntur will be conducting Phase-III of the Lok Adalat from December 4 to 7.

The objective behind holding the Lok Adalat is to provide relief to rail users by expeditious payment of compensation to the victims of rail accidents and to those whose goods were lost or damaged in transit.
It will dispose of 113 cases within a span of just four days. Tribunal member (Judicial) Satyabhama termed the Lok Adalat an opportunity for applicants to get speedy justice in cases, which have been pending for a long time.

Another member of the tribunal, G John Prasad said as many as 113 cases, which are mutually agreed for fair compensation by both private and railway administration will be taken up during the Lok Adalat. According to the reports published in www.newindianexpress.com .

The applicants whose cases are disposed of shall be eligible for fair compensation by duly following extant rules and procedures. Earlier Railway Claims Tribunal conducted two Lok Adalats in 2023, and successfully disposed cases.